Friday, March 16, 2012

Data Step Array (Macro) Variables

I want some thing simple. I have a data file with many fields with sequential names, and I want to reorganize them. It's all dead simple regex logic: var12 becomes var2 in row 1, var22 becomes var2 in row 2. Two minutes in python. In SAS...

So here's my method of making an Array Macro Variable (nothing native to the best of my knowledge) on which I will then use numbered indexes to massage the table later:

data _null_;
    i = 1;
    DO name = "bear","pig","velociraptor";
        ii = left(put(i,2.));
        call symput('variable_name'||ii,name);
        put name;

The output of that is the following


Oh yeah, that happened. SAS guessed the length of name for the loop at 4 characters, then truncated velociraptor.

The solution was to use the length name $12:

data _null_;
    i = 1;
    length name $12;
    DO name = "bear","pig","velociraptor";
        ii = left(put(i,2.));
        call symput('variable_name'||ii,name);
        put name;

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cleaning SDC Downloaded Data

I wrote some python code to simply clean up SDC downloaded fixed width data. It uses easygui, a python library to give it a little GUI interface, and I'll be the first to admit it's pretty crappy. But it works and made my life easier, so I'll share.

Google Doc Link

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Compustat Codes and Field (Variable) Names

Maybe this is common knowledge, but this page made life infinitely easier to replicate old papers:

Now all I need is free time to turn that into a tool for automatic SQL query generation.

Also while I'm at it I may as well plug a program I use constantly. WinSplit Revolution allows you to resize windows with key commands (I use control alt numpad). So setting up my desktop to look like below takes a few keyboard presses. If you use multiple monitors it's a life saver. Because sharing is caring.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Searching Google Scholar

I've been doing non-SAS research, and got tired of messing around with Google Scholar searches, so I made the following chrome search tag:
That searches within Business and Finance journals only which is quite convenient in my opinion. To add to Chrome (similar in firefox), go to the URL in the following screen shot and enter the URL quoted above where it says. I put the letter s for the keyword, so now when I want to do a google scholar search I type CNTRL-L, then type s and hit space. Anything typed after the space will be the search term.